VersaPro Standard can program Series 90 Micros and even certain VersaMax Micro and modular PLCs.
This Windows-based package can run in 95, 98, 2000, and XP environments, although like the Logicmaster, it’s not supported by GE Fanuc in the Windows Vista environment. As a mature product, no further improvements are planned. Please note that this software isn’t supported by GE Fanuc in Windows XP and Vista environments. As the original software for the Series 90-30 PLC, it’s DOS-based for your convenience to run in Windows 95, 98, and 2000. You have the choice of three different software packages for troubleshooting your GE 90-30.
What software is available to program and troubleshoot GE Series 90-30 PLCs? Below you’ll find some of the most frequently asked questions about the GE Fanuc line of PLCs when it comes to tech support!